Tuesday, June 11, 2013

Today we will take a quick look at a  recent Contra Costa Times opinion page column.  The column, by Assembly Democrat Susan Bonilla, shows us that the left never quit, never stop spending, are never satiated in their appetite for "programs"

Ms. Bonilla's column is "California must reinvest in the future--our youngest learners".  In the column, Ms. Bonilla is the designated bulls-----r of the Democratic Party, espousing a new effort to provide universal pre-school for all of California's children.  She  informs us that she has drafted Assembly Joint Resolution 16 to "begin the planning process to position California to receive future federal funding for early childhood development".  She reminds us that this is a top goal of the President and of Democrats in California and that  "more than 100 U.S. studies show that high-quality preschool...produces significant long term academic and emotional gains for all children".

Ms. Bonilla ignores the hundreds of studies that also show that children grow emotionally and educationally when they are with their parents, not pre-school instructors.  She also ignores the comprehensive three year study on Head Start published in 2012 by the Obama administration's Health and Human Services Agency that shows that, with a budget of $16 BILLION per year, Head Start achieves NONE of its goals!

Let's go back to September, 2010 when Governor Swartzenkennedy signed "pre-kintergarden" into law in California.  Democrats, after failing to pass universal preschool for 20 years, simply changed the name to "pre-kintergarden" and told us that they were going to provide a second year of kindergarten for all children and it would cost nothing, zero, nada.  Never mind that the Legislative Analyst reported the cost would grow over twelve years to $900 million per year "plus costs".

Now, Democrats are back telling us they are going to provide preschool for everyone, their holy grail of "universal preschool" where they can indoctrinate from birth, build a huge state bureaucracy to develop and control curriculum and hire tens of thousands of public sector teachers and bureaucrats paying union dues.

The message is clear.   Collectively we, the taxpayers of California, don't make enough money, even if taxed at 100%, to pay for everything they want to do; their appetite is inexhaustible.

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