Sunday, June 9, 2013

During the State of the Union speech the President said he wants to establish pre-school for Children.  
Barak, t is called Head start, a program we have funded since 1964.  Last year’s budget was $16 billion and a recent audit by the Obama Administration, Health and Human Services, found the program meets none of its goals. 
Fix the K-12 system instead.

The President also said he wants to raise the minimum wage to $9. 
Barak, people making less than government poverty level wages qualify for an Earned Income Tax Credit (“Refund”) of up to $5700, making their effective pay more than $10 per hour.   They also qualify for entitlements such as food stamps, housing vouchers, child care, Medicaid, etc.

Create private sector jobs instead.

Finally Pennsylvania officials reported recently in the Wall Street Journal that the average welfare recipient in that state receives $45,000 annually in benefits when counting the combined entitlements they receive.

How much do California welfare recipients receive annually?

As a country and a State our government is redistributing money and growing “the safety net” when government officials and a compliant news media hide the basics facts from us.

We must demand to know the scope of current entitlements before even debating changes to a system that is not working.

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