Sunday, June 16, 2013

The Most Transparent Administration in History?

During his first term in office, the President compared himself favorably to Abe Lincoln, FDR, and Lyndon Johnson.  

I would suggest Al Capone, Bugsy Siegel, and John Dillinger would be a better comparison.   Or the four (of the last seven) Illinois Governors who have gone to prison.

The Obama Administration is currently embroiled in eight, yes eight controversies/ scandals that bring the President and his appointees’ ethics and judgment into question.


Eight months after the killing of our four Americans in Benghazi we still don’t know where the President (Commander-in-Chief) was after receiving his initial report.  We also don’t know who came up with the video as the cover up for the real events.  There are still many details to this killing of Americans that remain a mystery.

IRS harasses conservatives, Romney Donors

Eighty-eight IRS agents and supervisors in Cincinnati and Washington who were harassing conservative groups, pro-Israel groups, and religious figures have now been identified.  The Commissioner of the IRS was at the White House 157 times during the period in question, but can only remember going for an Easter egg hunt.  Really? 

We also know the IRS also targeted large Romney donors and bundlers, most of which were also audited by the Labor Department, OSHA, and the EPA.  None of the donors were found guilty of any abuses or crimes, but spent thousands defending themselves. 

In the meantime, the Barak H. Obama Foundation has not been audited, nor has the “Organizing for Action” 501c(4), formerly the Obama for America campaign organization, although they are selling access to the President for $500,000.

EPA Director’s Secret Email Account

It has recently been discovered that former EPA Director Lisa Jackson was using a secret email account (under the alias Richard Windsor) in violation of several federal laws to conduct business.  Using this account she conducted regular EPA business and released confidential EPA reports to EarthWatch, the National Resources Defense Fund and others, including the names and locations of farmers under investigation by the agency.

Justice Department spies on Associated Press

Using the excuse of finding the source of a national security leak, the Justice department secretly obtained Associate Press phone records of 20 work, home or personal phone lines/numbers in multiple cities used by hundreds of reporters and editors.   The AP now fears that the Obama Administration is able to track how hundreds of its reporters gather news, intimidating sources who would otherwise talk to AP reporters.

Justice Depart spies on Fox News

The Justice Department also spied on Fox News Reporter James Rosen, Secretly obtaining his and his parent’s personal and business phone and email records and covertly tracking his movements within the State Department.

Another secret set of email accounts

Thomas Perez, Assistant Attorney General and the President’s nominee for Labor Secretary, has been using two secret email accounts to avoid complying with Freedom of Information requests.  He has admitted sending and receiving 1200 emails on those accounts, but will only release the “to”, “from” and “subject line” of the emails. 

Two Illegal appointments to the National Labor Relations Board

The President has made two appointments to the NLRB, both of which have been found to be illegal/unconstitutional by the Appellate Courts.  Unable to get two appointments through Senate confirmations, the President simply declared that congress was in recess and made “recess appointments”.  The courts found that the Constitution defines when Congress is in session, not the President, and ruled the appointments illegal.


Although billions of dollars have been allocated to implement ObamaCare (California has received $1 Billion so far), the Administration has run out of money to implement the program.  So Secretary of Health and Human Services Kathleen Sibelius simply, in violation of several laws and Article I of the Constitution, “asked” health care and insurance companies that she regulates to donate hundreds of millions of dollars. 

 The Mafia would be proud.

Several final chilling thoughts

The President claims that the he has no knowledge of any of these scandals, even though his
White House staff and attorney have acknowledged they knew of several. 

And the person, Sara Hall Ingram, in charge of the IRS unit intimidating conservative groups and others has not been fired.  She has been promoted and is leading the implementation of ObamaCare.

And, if that doesn’t scare you, to monitor compliance with ObamaCare laws (47 new major changes to the IRS revenue code, 23 new taxes) the administration is building the largest personal information database ever built by the government.  Known as the Federal Data Services Hub, it will combine the IRS’s own data (income, taxes, and employment status) with Social Security, Homeland Security, Justice Depart, Health and Human Services (enrollment in entitlement programs and medical claims data) and residency data from the 50 states.
In other words, the Obama Administration has left no stone unturned, no department or branch of the government untouched when it comes to subverting democracy and intimidating its opponents.

 And now, with the help of technology it will have access to every conceivable part of our lives.   

1 comment:

  1. If I were a Founding Father, I would be so upset at what has happened to the country we helped to start, and noting the comment to a woman standing outside our first Continental Congress by Ben Franklin: his answer to her question of what kind of government do we have? His reply being; "A Republic if you can keep it Ma'am" Well we HAVEN'T kept it. We have allowed Money/Power Junkies to rule over us with their unlimited power and wealth.
    They (just a few rich families) have collectively paid-off every politician they didn't put in office directly (Woodrow Wilson, FDR), to pass bills pushed by lobbyists they employ to ply the halls of the PEOPLES congress to get the agenda of a few powerful men passed. We were usurped long ago by a two-party system that is obviously on the same page of the masters that rule over them. George Washington had it right... NO PARTIES!!! thus removing a left-right paradigm, to which a few can control the thoughts of many through dogmatic control of “party lines”. We desperately need more choices than the ones we are limited to and thus limited to what can, and really should happen to get the country back to a representation of a REPUBLIC again, a land of laws that are few, but enforced, a government that is small and MORALISTIC, and a foreign policy that doesn't harass.
    We need to get out of the UN and get the UN out of NY. We need to take back the issuance of currency from the private cartel of banks (Rockefeller, Rothschild, Oppenheimer-owned) JUST LIKE ANDREW JACKSON DID and return it to Congress where they should have a minimum public approval rating of 50% not 9%, at least coming closer to REPRESENTING THE PEOPLE not the special interest groups, Israel, PAC's and basically $. It is enough to hear all this without knowing the gubmint is spying on every communication, distributing 2700 MRAP vehicles, 7000 automatic weapons, and 2 Billion Hollowpoints to departments like Fish and Game and IRS while the DHS is buying human-picture "no hesitation" targets of pregnant women, 6-year-olds and Grannies with guns.
    What the H is going on with the country my Father almost died TWICE FOR? We are about as commie as commies get, a central bank, gov’t controlled Education, patting down people everywhere, demanding papers in places like bus stations NFL games, airports Controlling travel, State control of communications (FCC), How about sticking guns in faces of people "they are protecting" like in Boston? Is this what our Founding Fathers envisioned? I dare say resoundingly; NO! This is more of Karl Marx’s Idealistic vision than Jefferson, Payne, and Adams ever would have dreamed of other than how to DESTROY the top-down, heavy-handed total control way of collectivism. This they knew could be the route a debauched gov’t could take, so they set in place a series of checks and balances that have essentially been destroyed by executive orders.
    We have adopted so many collectivist foreign (UN) laws that usurp our own we seem to march lock-step with the way Stalin was running things in The USSR. With Agenda 21 law ruling every aspect of our lives, controlling every resource, other than oil and its media black-out, the public may never know of what is really behind the new rules and regulations that threaten to destroy dams, take away regional control of local issues, control our, healthcare, water, power, food, vitamins, minerals, where we are “allowed” to live, and where we can wonder in the back woods of our own country without threat of arrest.
    So in closing, I’d like to say the comparison to Capone or Dillinger is more apropos than any Abe Lincoln, FDR, or LBJ. Unless of course you are referring to Lincoln’s suspension of the Constitution, or repealing Posse Comitatus, or perhaps FDR’s secret ties to Wall St. Banksters through the Delano’s old money, or perhaps the 8 murders LBJ (Lying Lyndon) was DIRECTLY tied to INCLUDING JFK.
