Wednesday, July 31, 2013

It's a Stampede!

In my July 19th post I reported that three unions had sent letters to the President demanding the repeal or reform of ObamaCare.  By "reform" they meant they are demanding that the federal government subsidize union members health insurance under ObamaCare.  They were also concerned that rules requiring employers to provide health insurance to full time workers, defined as 30 hours or more, was creating a situation were employers were reducing hours (and pay) of full time workers and would destroy the time honored tradition of the 40 hour work week.
Well, union concern has grown to five unions:

- International Brotherhood of Teamsters
- the united Food and Commercial Workers
- Unite Here
- Laborers' International Union of North America
- International Brotherhood of Electrical Workers

the two new unions wrote the President that the new law "will not only shatter our hard-earned health-benefits, but destroy the foundation of the 40 hour work week".

Also entering the union outcry this week was the National Treasury Employees Union, the union of the IRS employees that will implement and run ObamaCare for the Federal government.  Not us, they said, how dare you try to put us into ObamaCare.

Makes you feel really good about what is coming, doesn't it?

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