Wednesday, July 24, 2013

Am I Next?

The San Francisco Chronicle on Sunday 21 had a front page article on the protests related to the Trayvon Martin/George Zimmerman verdict.  Accompanying the article was a picture; both the picture and article generated this letter to the editor, which was published on July 24:


Your front page on Sunday, July 21 had a picture of a young black boy with a sign that asked Am I Next?”

Tell him yes, if he lives in a black neighborhood.   Then refer him to your coverage of Alaysha Carradine or any of the dozens of killings in Oakland, any year.

More than 90% of African-Americans who die violently, die at the hands of another African-American.

I am tired of black leaders , black community organizations, and black protesters saying they are fighting racism by telling their children and grandchildren that they will be killed by people of another color.  This message only enhances the chances that racism will continue in the future and these hustlers will continue to collect the checks they generate being hateful.

I feel awful for both the Martin and Zimmerman families, but can we just shut up and get back to reality.  And work for the end of racism.

Hal Bray

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